Wednusday 2081-12-12
आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा परिषद नेपाल Nepal Ayurveda Medical Council Nardevi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Latest Update
The Nepal Ayurveda Medical Council (NAMC)

The Nepal Ayurveda Medical Council (NAMC) is the autonomous body to regulate and control Ayurveda medicine in Nepal. It was established under the Ayurveda Medical Council Act, 2045. The council is the regulatory and legislative body for Ayurveda courses, human resources, institutions, practitioners and traditional healers in Nepal. All Ayurveda practitioner and educational institutions have to register with the council. The council has developed a code of ethics for Ayurveda doctors and minimum requirements for Ayurveda educational institutions. The council’s main committee consists of an Ayurveda doctor nominated by the government as chairperson, three doctors nominated by the government, the DoA director, three doctors elected by registered doctors one campus chief nominated by the government and one registrar nominated by the government. The council registers eligible Nepali practitioners. Also, foreigners who want to practice Ayurveda medicine in Nepal, should be provisionally registered with the council (for one year at a time).

